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Picture description / описание картинки:

Picture description / описание картинки:

The virulent moonlight which is similar to a starving, cold-blooded, predatory look of a wild animal among the dark trees of Savanna that apparently wants to beckon anyone to have come by. And the thatched wooden house seems to be put there to intercept the corrupted influence and outsmart it by providing some warmth into the picture.

Useful words / полезные слова:

Virulent (ˈvɪrələnt) — опасный, ядовитый
Cold-blooded (kəʊld ˈblʌdɪd) — бесчувственный, хладнокровный
Predatory (ˈpredətɔːrɪ) — хищный
To beckon (ˈbekən) — манить, подзывать
Thatched (ˈθætʃt) — соломенный
To intercept (ˌɪntərˈsept) — перехватывать
To outsmart (ˌaʊtˈsmɑːrt) — перехитрить

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