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🦉Picture description:

🦉Picture description:

It’s like a fairy tale. The wooden shutters, thatched roof, flowers persistently nosing out of that dilapidated fence. And the only thing that this picture lacks is a young lady weaving a wreath.

❗❗Useful vocabulary:

a fairy tale (ˈferɪ teɪl) — сказка
a shutter (ˈʃʌtər) — затворка
Thatched (ˈθætʃt) — соломенный
Persistently (pərˈsɪstəntlɪ) — настойчиво
to nose out (nəʊz aʊt) — высовываться Dilapidated (dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtɪd) — ветхий
to lack (læk) something — недоставать чего-то
to weave a wreath (wiːv ə riːθ) — плести венок

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