Picture description/ описание картинки:

It takes guts to sink your teeth into something that has been inhabiting only your head. Choosing the less traveled road is risky, because it may pay off and might as well not. But if you think that the price of winning is too high, wait until you get the bill from regret.

Useful expressions/ полезные выражения:

To sink (sɪŋk)one’s teeth into something — взяться за что-то, вонзить зубы во что-либо
To inhabit (ɪnˈhæbɪt) — населять, обитать
A less traveled road — не протертая / менее посещаемая дорожка
To pay off (|ˈpeɪ ˈɒf) — окупаться
A bill (bɪl) — счёт
Regret (rɪˈɡret) — сожаление

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