Brain Idioms:

🧠 Rack my brains — to think very hard in order to try to remember something, solve a problem.
I don’t rack my brains much about this problem.
🧠 Pick your brain — to get information from someone who is more knowledgeable than you are about a subject.
I’d like to pick your brain.
🧠 Brain like a sieve — to have a very bad memory (голова дырявая).
🧠 To have a brain wave — to have a sudden, clever idea.
🧠 Wrap your brain around it — to understand something that one considers challenging, confusing.
I’m just trying really hard to wrap my brain around this.
🧠 My brain is fried — be unable to concentrate.
In a short amount of time I was exhausted and my brain was fried.
🧠 Brain overload — we say it when we’ve taken on too much information.
Noise, colours, music, new faces — everything can cause brain overload.
🧠 To be the brains behind something is to be the person who plans and organises something, especially something successful.
He was the brains behind this operation.

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