Dialogue about cooking

Amy: Hey, what are you making for dinner tonight?

Lora: I’m planning on making spaghetti carbonara.

Amy: Sounds delicious! Can you share the recipe with me?

Lora: Sure. First, you cook the spaghetti in boiling water until it’s al dente. While the pasta is cooking, you fry some bacon until it’s crispy. Then, you remove the bacon from the pan and fry some chopped onions and garlic in the bacon fat.

Amy: Mmm, I love the smell of garlic cooking!

Lora: Once they’re softened, you add the cooked spaghetti to the pan and toss it well with the onions and garlic.

Amy: Do you add any sauce to it?

Lora: Yes, you mix eggs, Parmesan cheese, and black pepper in a separate bowl. Then, you pour this mixture over the spaghetti and stir well.

Amy: And it’s ready?

Lora: You need to cook it for a few more minutes, stirring constantly, until the eggs are cooked but still creamy. And then, you can top it with the crispy bacon.

Amy: I can’t wait to try it! Thanks a lot!

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